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How To Become A Rapper During The Coronavirus Outbreak

That thumbnail was pretty crazy, right?

I had to reel you in to give you this amazing information we’ve got here at Rap Game Now.

In this article, we’re going to give a 5-step process to help explode your music career in 2020…

…But do it in a fun way using this CRAZY news story that’s going around the globe about the coronavirus.

Now before we begin to give you that real be sure to be subscribed to our YouTube channel with notifications by clicking HERE ‘cause we drop weekly videos on everything related with learning how to rap…

…AND we doing an AMAZING discount right now on our full-service “from starter-to-charter” coaching program (50% off!)…

Where we’ll show you how to go from never having recorded a rap song all the way to starting your own record label… 

ALL for less than a video game THIS WEEK which you can see by clicking HERE

So, sick back, relax, and let Dr. Drew help you use your sickness to avoid even more outbreaks this year…

Our “How To Become A Rapper During A Viral Outbreak” YouTube Training!

Step #1: Always Be Prepared In Advance For Something To Go Wrong

(In your music career AND life)

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from this ridiculous outbreak is that not only have you and I on an individual level not been prepared for a global viral epidemic…

…But our country’s governments haven’t either.

When it comes to your rap career, I always first suggest that you are consistently writing music four, five, six, even SEVEN times a week…

…Not ONLY to sharpen your skills, but just in case you are LAUNCHED into unexpected stardom…

…Much like a country’s government being LAUNCHED into the responsibility of taking on a global pandemic… 

…And you are prepared to handle the pressures when the come along.

Think about it: how many rappers have you seen that get a MASSIVE hit and don’t have either the writing skills or the emotional stability IN ADVANCE to handle the fame and fortune?

A LOT of the reason people become one-hit wonders is precisely because they haven’t been prepared IN ADVANCE for the pressures of success… 

Either on the emotional, professional side… or even more commonly on the writing side.

So your responsibility this spring and summer as you stay in the house and avoid accidentally sending your family members to the hospital to is PREPARE YOURSELF FOR YOUR FUTURE success by writing ALL the time.

Interact with people to go viral

Step #2: Things Go Viral By Person-To-Person Contact

Just like we have seen this global outbreak EXPLODE not just by ONE person infecting everybody else…

…But one person handing off the sickness to another and to another…

Your music career will go viral by you promoting and making one fan at a time who will “infect” another fan who will “infect” another fan and so on…

…This is something I see rappers messing up a little too often for my own comfort.

To keep this analogy going…

…When I see a rapper just spamming comments or spamming their own timeline with “check my song”…

It’s a little bit like a sick person with the coronavirus standing out in the middle of an empty forest, coughing for hours, and wondering why nobody else is getting infected…

..If you want fans to catch your “sickness”… you got to be in close contact with a lot of different people with a lot of different backgrounds and then your stuff will SPREAD just like this thing.

So rather than spamming your audience all the time with some kind of wild “broadcast spam” format… 

…Why not slide in the DMs of EVERYONE who currently follows you and get some of that “hand to hand contact” to promote your music and start taking yourself viral? 

Step #3: Don’t Just Trust What You Read Online

Another common frustration I see with rappers is that they get discouraged by the perceived “success” they see with other artists and feel like all these other people are popping when they are not…

…Much like how ALL of my family members are telling me that ‘cause I live in L.A. I’m going to catch this disease TOMORROW ‘cause they read on the NEWS it’s EVERYWHERE…

…Look, everything that glitters ain’t gold and everything you read online ain’t true.

Don’t get discouraged in 2020 by seeing your perceived “competition” and how they are flexing about how successful they are…

…Just like the news needs to get clicks to their website so they’ll blow EVERYTHING out of proportion to get attention and views…

Don’t overthink

…That rapper that you feel like is taking ALL of your shine is just trying to get clicks to his or HER website and is willing to say ANYTHING to make people believe they’re the king or queen. 

You need to focus on what is in your control on the ground level, just like I HOPE governments are focused on what their local doctors are telling them and not what they read on CNN… 

…So I want you to stay motivated in 2020 by not comparing yourself all the time and focusing on what YOU can control in your career.

Step #4 Lock Yourself In The Lab and Create A Classic This Summer

Whereas most people’s travel and overall life plans have been completely RUINED by this recent coronavirus outbreak…

…This summer will be a PERFECT opportunity for you to LOCK yourself into the lab and create something dope.

Of ALL the times over the last few years you’ve had to make the excuse NOT to leave your house and NOT procrastinate… THIS is the time to do it, my friend.

So, what I would suggest is lean on this opportunity to not travel and move around too much to actually work on your craft and then come into fall 2020 with the SKILLS, the CONFIDENCE, and the RESUME to become a great artist.

While most people will either be using the time to mess around and just “chill” ‘cause they can’t go outside…

…You’ll be staying inside and staying healthy… while getting SICK. 

See what I did there?

Let time do its work

Step #5 Father Time Is Undefeated

At the current writing of this, it’s important to remember that most of the people being affected by the outbreak on a SERIOUS level are much older…

…And I bet some of them are wishing that they just had the ultimate advantage of YOUTH to keep them healthy throughout this crisis…

…You as an artist should use this as a reminder that ultimately TIME is all you have to invest into your success…

…And often the best artists are simply the ones who respected their daddy.

And who is EVERYONE’s REAL DADDY? (Other than God of course)…


So respect your father and actually put in the TIME to get good at this stuff so that when it’s time to go VIRAL…


COMMENT: What’s your spring 2020 plan for music? 

Drew Morisey, @drewmorisey on Instagram and Twitter

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